RobotStudio event

Problem after upgrading RS 15


I can't start the virtual controller after upgrading robot studio.Ouch

Falt message is:
RobotStudio .NET exception: RPC-servern A?r inte tillgA?nglig. (Undantag frA?n HRESULT: 0x800706BA)

Can anyone help me?



  • Please do a full scan with the support tool and upload the resulting zip. (If you have many old log files you may want to delete the ones related to your previous RS builds to reduce the size.)
    Henrik Berlin
  • Hi.
    I have similary problem. After loading the Rapid program into the virtual controller it was failed to SYSFAIL state. After warmstart the virtual controller failed with error: "RobotStudio .NET exception: The RPC server is unavailable.. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)".
    Since this any attempt to start this virtual controller ending this errormessage.

    Thanks for help.