RobotStudio event

Conveyor Tracking - ABB tutorial problem

I have a problem with the ABB youtube tutorial
"Setup and Program a Station with Conveyor Tracking | RobotStudio  "
I attach a sceenshot with the problem an also my Station as a Pack & Go-Data (webwiz/7882/
At the Screenshot you can see the conveyor setup window. I create a cuboid and it is in the "available parts"-list but there is no way to put it on the "parts moved by conveyor" list. The arrow is grey and not available. I'm using the newest RobotStudio Version (
I hope someone can help me.
Sebastian Majewski


  • Hi,

    The problem is that your conveyor not have any ""Attachment Points", and the "Start Position" should have a negative value, e.g. -500. How to create a conveyor mechanism you can learn in the tutorial "Create Conveyor Mechanism".

    I have attached a Pack and Go with a modified conveyor and a running simulation.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics