RobotStudio event

Reading Configuration.MotionControl Parameters

Hello everyone,

I am working on simple C# project using ABB SDK and would like to ask, how to read some configuration - motion parameters from robot controller. Example of some values which I wanna list is on picture. I am able to list parameter types only, using:

ABB.Robotics.Controllers.ConfigurationDomain.Type item

= AbbRobot.Controller.Configuration.MotionControl.Types

and attributes of each Type listing:


But I cant find how to get specific values. I can see values in debuger through non-public mebers, so it must be possible, but cant find right way to access them.

I was using SDK 5.14, today I changed for the newest 5.15.

I hope the question clear from my lite explanation.

Thanks for any hints, small piece of example code would be fantastic.

Cheers Jindraimage
