RobotStudio event

FeedbackPose Rx Ry Rz


Can anyone tell me the meaning of the Rx,Ry and Rz values packed in the FeedbackPose element regarding the RRI Robot Reference interface.
What does Rx,Ry,Rz mean ? Yaw , pitch , roll ? Euler Angles ? Applied in what order ?
With reference to what ?



  • AlexK
    AlexK ✭✭

    Don't know what that exact interface does but normaly the Rx is Roll around X axis in degrees, Ry is Roll around Y axis and same with z but around the Z axis instead.
    For example if you have a defined tool frame and then use Rx the robot will rotate around it's tool frame's X axis.
    Hope this helped at least some!
    Best regards
    Alexander Källberg
  • The  Rx, Ry , RZ are in Euler Angles. It is ZYX. See the functions OrientZYX and EulerZYX in the Rapid Reference manual These functions allow conversion from quaternions to euler angle and back.