RobotStudio event

Can the time being counted down in a WaitTime comand be displayed on the teach pendent?

Can the time being counted down in a WaitTime comand be displayed on the teach pendent?
I have several programs that have WaitTimes within them and my boss has asked if the time can be displayed. I do not know how to progran this.

Best Answer

  • Henrik Berlin
    Henrik Berlin ✭✭✭
    edited April 2013 Answer ✓

    I have created a procedure that prints out the remaining waiting time on the FlexPendant. Perhaps you can use it as a starting point.


    Here is the source code.

    MODULE WaitTimeModule

     PROC TPWaitTime(num waitingTime)
      CONST num timeStep:=0.2;
      VAR num currentTimeStep;
      VAR num timeLeft:=0;
      VAR string displayString;

      ! Initialization;  
      displayString:="Executing WaitTime "+NumToStr(waitingTime,1)+": Time left : ";

      WHILE timeLeft>0 DO
       IF timeLeft<timeStep THEN
        ! Check if the remaining time is smaller than the time step

        ! Remaining time is larger than time step.
        Add timeLeft,-timeStep;
       TPWrite displayString+NumToStr(timeLeft + currentTimeStep,1);
       WaitTime currentTimeStep;
      TPWrite "WaitTime completed";

     PROC main()
      TPWaitTime 5;

    Post edited by Henrik Berlin on
    Henrik Berlin
