RobotStudio event

Returning to factory settings

Some background information:
At the moment I have a internship at a dutch company. This company has a robot for training,education and testing purposes. My objective is to make a coinsorter with a cognex camera witch is already installed on a table. The robot has previously used by students. The objective of these students was to achieve a conveyor tracking robot.
My idea was to prepare the project with a offline simulation with Robotstudio. So I took the next steps to make a offline station with the right Robotware keys:

1) Connect the laptop with Robotstudio to the controller. 'One click connect'
2) Create Backup
3) Make system from backup
4) Create station with existing system
5) Restore backup

Ok, I`ve now a station with a virtual controller where I can doe some offline programming. But when I create a station (4) i get an error saying missing CNV1. Selecting   
a random conveyor from the library "solves" this error. This error is probably a remainder from the previous assignment.
So i want to get rid of this errors and go back to the factory settings. what i tried:

1) Create new system with system builder
2) Used Robotware keys delivered with the robot
3) Saved the cfg files
4) Load the cfg in to the controller with the CNV1
5) Warm restart

After this i get several errors like: Deletes the INSIGHT.SYS, EquipmentClass Error, RW Arc Installation error, Exception: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
This was not very successful.

My quastion is if someone know how to remove CNV1 parameters or to return to factory settings. I also tried to make a I-start



  • There are 3 kind of keys in your robot:
    1 the controller key  (softwareoptions)
    2 the drive key (robottype)
    3 the additional options key (optional drives/external axis)

    I assume that the conveyer is an external axis of the robot, if so.
    When creating a system from a backup it should work if you only delete the additional options key
    To do this create a system from backup:
    - give a name and filelocation
    - choose your backup and mediapool (the last one should be automaticly selected)
    - click continue to make modifications
    - leave the robotware version
    - leave the drive key
    - check whether the option list is as it used to be only without the CNV on the additional drive

    The system should be equal to the original only without the CVN.
    All the modules/programming other than factorysettings will be gone, and because of the change it will not be possible to restore a backup.
    Manualy reload all the modules you need and solve upcomming problems.

    good luck

    Sjors van der Linden

    The Netherlands
  • There are 3 keys:
    - a controller key
    - a drive key
    - an additional options key

    I think the CNS is an external axis of the robot, if so it should work if you create a system from backup only without the additional options key.
    You cannot restore a backup after this.

    After this manualy reload all the modules/changes other than factory settings.

    Seeing your name I guess your dutch.
    If it doesnt work out you can also give me a call

    Sjors van der Linden
    The Netherlands
  • Thanks for your reply Sjors.

    The errors are gone after following the steps you mentioned. I`ve deleted the option 'Conveyor Tracking'. The only thing is that I have to reload the I/O list manually because the restore backup doesn`t work like you sad.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Ok, I tried to clean up the configuration parameters of the real controller by loading the configuration files from the virtual controller. This didn`t go well unfortunately (see screenshot).

    I`m guessing the only way to clean op the configuration files of the real controller is to open these manually with a editor and clean carefully?

    What i eventually want is to make a step-by-step procedure to clean up the whole real controller(modules, cfg`s, network etc) and setting up a project with possible optional options like conveyor tracking, world zones, arc, cutting etc. So that students in the future starts with a clean setting.

    I`ve added the parameters of the virtual and real controller.

    Thanks for your help

  • The errors are comming up because your real controller is still booted with the old keys.

    You would have to download the system to the controller via the bootloader.

    A good answer here would be:
    "Please call your ABB representative for this."

    The Netherlands