converting of CATIA-Files to ACIS


as i want to import geometries to RS i have to convert files of the CATIA-formats .CATproduct and .CATpart to .SAT.

I tried that with the CAD-Converter of RobotStudio - that caused several error messages and error logs which i attached.

What can i do to get the Converter work properly or does anybody know a working way to convert CATIA-files to .SAT?




  • Hello kasto,

    Which version of RobotStudio are you running?
    It seems that for some reason the CAD Converter uses incompatible versions of the CATIA libraries. Do you have CATIA V5 (or another product that uses CATIA V5 libraries) installed on your computer?

    If you answer these questions I will try to assist you further.


    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi Johannes,

    The version of RobotStudio i'm using: 5.07.

    You're right: there are CATIA V5 libraries installed: CATIA V5.15, SP7, BuildNumber 15.

    regards, Kasto

  • OK, if you could please provide me with the following:

    - The file version and date of
    C:ProgrammeABB Industrial ITRobotics ITRobotStudioBinSPAXCATIAV5Basen.dll
    C:ProgrammeABB Industrial ITRobotics ITRobotStudioBinlib3dxintel_acodeinJS0GROUP.dll

    - The value of the environment variables "PATH" and "CATDefaultEnvironment". (Environment variables are found in "Control Panel" / "System" / "Advanced" on English OS.)

    - The contents of the directory (again, English equivalent)  C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataDassaultSystemesCATEnv


    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • thanks for your quick answers!

    SPAXCATIAV5Basen.dll: Version:, Date: Dienstag, 17. Januar 2006, 13:06:02

    JS0GROUP.dll: Version:, Date: Freitag, 23. September 2005, 12:06:44

    Path: C:oracleora92in;C:ProgrammeOraclejre1.1.8in;%Syste mRoot%system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%System32Wbem;C:I FORWINBIN;C:IFORWINBINEN_US;C:L_SSmarTeamin

    There is no environment variable "CATDefaultEnvironment", but the value of "CATIA_SMARTEAM_CACHE": C:TEMPcache

    Content of C:Dokumente und EinstellungenAll UsersAnwendungsdatenDassaultSystemesCATEnv:

    thanks for your effort!

  • Hmm, everything seems to be in order so I'm not sure what could be wrong.. There are a few things you could try though:

    1. Try to import the CATIA files directly to RS (File/Import Geometry).

    2. Start the CAD Converter from this command script:

    3. Reinstall RobotStudio image

    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi Johannes,

    i tried what you recommended but the situation isn't better: same result as described above. Thanks for your help anyway.

    So i'm where i startet: Do you or does anybody else have another recommendation to solve this problem? or does anybody know a working way to convert CATIA-files to .SAT?

    best regards, kasto