RobotStudio event

pmSetupComplete unknown in Flexarc

I keep getting the following error when I try to apply changes to RAPID code or use Check Program:

EagleVisionOrig/RAPID/T_ROB1/sCellLayer(274,28): Reference error(129): Reference to unknown function pmSetupComplete    5/23/2013 8:46:36 AM    General   

Error is still there after updating to 15.15.01

The error persists whether using a pack and go of a prebuilt flexarc station from the ABB library, using a backup from the existing flexarc at our location, or using the backup that came with the flexarc cell shipped to our location.

As long as this error persists I can not use Robot Studio to simulate the flexarc cell, and I can not apply changes or make a backup to put on the controller.  I am forced to program through the teach pendent or take a very roundabout way to get my code onto the controller.  Help is appreciated.



  • The error says that the module sCellLayer cannot find the function pmSetupComplete in your system.

    My guess is that your virtual system is missing a RobotWare option from the real system.

    Compare the RobotWare options of the real system with those of your virtual system. (e.g. compare the files System.xml from the backups of your real system and your virtual system).

    To resolve the issue you can do any of the following

    Alt 1: (recommended). Connect to the controller. Do "Go Offline". This will automatically create a virtual replicate of your real system (incl. copying any required additional option mediapools)

    Alt 2: Use System Builder and create system from backup. Start system in RobotStudio and restore backup. Note: You need to manually copy any required additional option mediapools from your controller onto your PC.

    Alt 3: Modify the existing system. Shut the system down in RS. Open System Builder and use 'Modify System'. Add the missing option(s) and I-start the system to activate the changes. Restore the backup. Note: You need to manually copy any required additional option mediapools from your controller onto your PC.



    Henrik Berlin