RobotStudio event

Why do you use MeasureWearL command?

Hi everybody,

There is a command in a 6640 robot that we have. I saw this command(MeasureWearL). I think this is about with Spor Servo Equlazing. But I coudnt understand why we are useing? If you use that before I hope you can help me. Thanks 


  • See the application - spot welding - spot option manual.  It is described in detail.  Is more accurate than using just the recalc tcp and calibrate instructions.  However the down side is the cycle time implication and the fact that the stand must be rigid and well secured.
  • alexsdm
    edited August 2014

    Basic, create 2 points p1 and p2 see manual.

    Only one time use this.


    MoveJ p1,v1000,z50,ref_tool1;

    MeasureWearL p2,v1000,gun1\Reference,tool1;

    ! tool1 is then used during the production.

    MoveL p1,v1000,z50,tool1;

    Calibrate gun1\TipChg;


    After all time use for change tip:

     MoveJ p1,v1000,z50,tool1; MeasureWearL p2,v1000,gun1\TipChange,tool1; MoveL p1,v1000,z5,tool1; Calibrate gun1\TipChg;

    Measurement after tip wear

    MoveJ p1,v1000,z50,tool1;

    MeasureWearL p2,v1000,gun1\TipWear,tool1;

    MoveL p1,v1000,z50,tool1;

    Calibrate gun1\TipWear;