RobotStudio event

reading textTabs or log-data

Hi everyboy,

i´m trying to install a texttab but have some Problems with it but first here is my genaral task, maybe you have got some other ideas:

I have got 2 Traps and i want to know wich robtagets the Robot wants to pilot between them. So I started to spy them with spyStart "HOME:/test.log"; at the end of the first trap and  spyStop; at the begining of the other one. So that works very well, but i have no idea how to read the entries automaticly by the controler. Maybe there is a solution with texttabs but when i instal them with the code given in the manual it doesn´t work. is ther some declaration missed?


IF TextTabFreeToUse("test") THEN

TextTabInstall "HOME:/test.log";


i also tried with test.eng



error massage is

no wrong textressourcename or no wrong indexnumber in textfile


(nothing what)


with best regards Fabian