RobotStudio event

Activating Mechanical Units


I added a track as described in an email passed to me from Anders Spaak so I'm pretty sure I added the track properly but it won't move.  I've attached the robot to it and configured everything but it seems like the unit isn't activated.  I get the error message "At least one task is unchecked in the task selection panel" and "At least one task is disabled".  I've made sure that the box next to the track is checked under the "Activate Mechanical Units" under the controller menu but it still doesn't work.  I've even added an ActUnit command in my path before the actual path but still it won't activate.  What am I missing here?  Thanks in advanced for your help.

Joe B. Bowen

jbbowen2006-6-8 22:11:50


  • Anders S

    A track should automatically be activated at startup, so ActUnit should not be necessary to use. The error message indicates that something is wrong in the configuration of the system.
    Have you read the instructions in the Online Help (Creating a system with support for one robot and one track external axis)? Maybe that is better to follow then the email from me image
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • jbbowen

    Still can't get things to work.  Although I feel dumb in not looking at the help earlier image, I'm still having problems.  In making a multimove system with a track I tried to use the two examples and combined the options for my controller.  Now I either get the same error or I get a timeout error when I try to start the controller.  Any ideas?  Thanks very much for your help

    Joe B. Bowen