Import Library Failed

I've got a cell with 3 IRB1600's, 1 IRB 6600, IRBP 250R (3 axis) and a IRBP 250L (single axis).  I've gone and split it into 2 controllers with 2 robots and a positioner on each controller.  I think I've got the controllers configured properly.  When I start the controller I get an error message that says "The Virtual Controller was shut down because no library was set for type 'irbp_l' " after I select the library from the menu that comes up.  I double checked and the library exists.  After the error message it shuts down the virtual controller and imports the robots and the positioner as libraries (simular effect to "Import Library..." menu).  Anyone have any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?  Thank you for the help in advanced.

Joe B. Bowen

jbbowen2006-6-9 19:18:3


  • I have even tried taking controllers from actual cells that were simular and tried to start them and I get time out errors.  Shouldn't actual controller config files from actual cells have no problem loading since RS is just a duplicate of IRC5?
  • Hi,

    If you mail ( me the station and backups of the controllers can I take a look at it.

    An  actual controller should be possible to run in RS. But if the
    controller is using an positioner (additional option), must its
    mediapool be installed on the PC.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics