Labels don’t break line with to long text


does anyone knows something about the behaviour of labels on the flex pendant?

i have used several of them to create a kind of table. Therefore the size of them is limited to e.g. 130 pixels. Now i put a text of 15-20 chars into its text property.

At the VIRC5 this results in a break of the text, which seems to be OK, as all text is still visible. At the real teachpendant the text is written across the border of the label, thus the text is not visible completely as there are other controls beside of the label.

Is it possible to get a break by a command or property or can the length of the text be estimated before writing it and do something else (i don't know what).

Here is the code i have used:

        private System.Windows.Forms.Label lblName1;
        this.lblName1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
        this.lblName1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 95);
        this.lblName1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(125, 48);
        this.lblName1.Text = "";
        this.lblName1.Font = TpsFont.Font11b;
        this.lblName1.Text = strLabeltext;

Fontsize should not be reduced, as this would not be suitable to the complete screen to have to many different text sizes across the screen.

Thanks ahead for your advices.
