Help! The problem with the backup S4CPLUS

IRB4400 M2000 № 44-27617 (version IRB4400L/30 the Type B)S4CPLUS M2000. 

After the power is turned off rack S4CPLUS not loaded. After a cold restart, installed the system from the disk (3HAC 8531-2.13)In the controller downloaded  3HAC6811-2.13 768 System Pack 4.0.

The fault  (as supplied)  was  3HAC6811-2.18 0863 System Pack 4.0   ( 3HAC 8531-2.13 - no). Backups were made in this version. 

When you restore a backup of the outstanding:  Pass Code Input!  "Programmer" Pass Code required to be able to continue.Cursor ........  .

Make a backup copy of your version ( 3HAC6811-2.13 768 System Pack 4.0 ). And restore it again:  Pass Code Input!  "Programmer" Pass Code required to be able to continue.Cursor ........  .

What's the code to enter?   Need version  RobotWare 4.0   3HAC 8531-2.18 . Thank you in advance for your help.
