RobotStudio event

Question regarding system input backup

I ran into a problem with the system input backup.  I created a virtual output/input, cross connected them together and link the input to system input back up.  The code was written to run the back up when the day changed with unique name and include date option.  The problem was when the system created the back up, it retained the old date instead of the new day date, and every consecutive back up it made the original date of the back up was retained instead of changing the date to new one.  I am running robotware 5.15.02.  Any help would be appreciated!

66-00005_Backup    this was the first argument, I have tried to leave this field blank and let the system decided on the file name but it didn't help at all

/hd0a/Backup           second argument

Unique name yes

Include date yes

monday 66-00005_Backup_20130902

tuesday 66-00005_Backup_20130902_1     I was expecting 66-00005_Backup_20130903

wednesday 66-0005_Backup_20130902_2
