RobotStudio event

Problems with creating workstation from Backup

I have problems with creating systems in systembuilder. It says that robotware isn`t found. but then i try to create another system and then it`s ok. Any Clues?

Best Answer


  • Install RobotWare.

    Ravinder A
  • When you try and create a work station or System from Backup RobotStudio reads what version of BaseWare was used when the backup was created.  So if the controller has 5.14.3071 and you make the backup it stores this information in the backup.  So RS reads this and checks your media pool on the PC to see if you have that version of BaseWare installed so that it can use the same version when creating the System.  If it can't find that version of BaseWare it gives you the error.  I would guess that when you created the other system you had it's version of BaseWare installed on your PC.

  • I have Robotware installet RavinderA. Ok thanks DAvidLanham. Do you know if it`s possible to get older version of robotware so that you can create systems from older system. We have a lot of robots in our factory and with that a lot of different robotware`s