RobotStudio event

Creating a safety zone using a Geometry in RobotStudio

Hello everyone that's reading this,

for almost every project we use a turn table and in order to ensure a collision free turn we program a safety zone for our robot. To do this we limit the movement of the axis. E.g. the turn table is allowed to turn if the first axis of the robot is between +30 and +45 degrees. 

This is a fairly crude method that gets really complicated when the "safe zone" is smaller. So I would like to know if I could create a safe zone in RobotStudio using a geometry. My ideal situation would be something like this:
  • I create a simple geometry in RobotStudio, like a cube or whatever
  • ????
  • RobotStudio Generates Rapid code that returns a true/false when the robot is positioned inside that geometry or not 
For this I'm interested in the axis-configurations, not the TCP. 

Any tips, tricks, ideas or possible solutions are welcome :)

thank you for your time,


Best Answer


  • Hi,
    You can create a Smart Component with a "Volume Sensor" (which will be your "cube"). The "Volume Sensor"  will set the signal "Sensor Out" high if an object hits the sensor (use "PartialHit").
    The output from the Smart Component can you connect to an input in the Virtual Controller.


    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hello Anders,

    thank you for your quick respond, but I think I need to elaborate my question a bit:

    My goal is to not only to simulate this but also to apply it to the real world. So the goal for me would be that RobotStudio gives me a set of robot axis configurations that represent the "safe zone" I created in RobotStudio.

    E.g. The robot needs to be to the left of the turn table when it is turning. If this is not the case then the robot and the turn table needs to go into emergency stop. 

    In this example it is a fairly easy configuration, but it gets more complex when the area gets smaller. 

    With kind regards,

  • Hi Leo

    Could the world zones be something for you? There you can define a cube (WZBoxDef) and define (WZDOSet) what should happen if the robot gets into the zone like setting a stop signal.

    best regards


  • Hello Marcel,

    that sounds promising! I will need to look into that and see if that is what we need. 

    do you know of a method that allows me to use a geometry to define such a cube? Because that would be exactly what we need!

    with kind regards,
