RobotStudio event

Create Station with Controller. ERROR 'The System could not be created'

Been using create station with controller for some years now , but today it does not work and gives the error. 'The system could not be created' building a system from layout still works fine.
The template systems still seem to be in their folder.
changing the folder to create the new system still gives the same error.
Anyone else getting this. 
I have recently installed 5.6

Many thanks


  • The System that is built using 'Create Station with controller' seems to use the latest revision of software in the media pool... which will be RobotWare 5.6 on my PC.

    Is this why it Errors when the system is created from RobotStudio 5.15.02?

    Is it therefore best to have two separate media pools?
  • FYI: 'Create station with controller' in 5.6 is working fine

  • The keys are not the same between 5.15 and 5.60. RS will always pick the latest RW version in create system from layout even though it may not have the proper keys. This means that when RS5.15.02 tries to create a system from a template it uses RW5.60 and it fails because the keys are not compatible.

    You can solve the problem in two ways:
    • Use System Builder to create a system
    • Use separate media pools as you have suggested