


After synchronise to station and load path from real robot it is necessary to confirm configuration of the targets. I am not sure that AutoConfiguration work correct always...

Is it possible to "convince" RS that imported configuration of targets is correct without use AutoConfiguration tool?

It seems to me that it should be useful to enable multiselect for add "Configuration" for targets.



  • Hello,

    I agree with PeterS. If a known good program is imported from a robot and Synchronized to Station, Robot Studio should not have us confim the configuration of each position individually. This is wasteful and time consuming. Earlier versions of Robot Studio did not require confirmation of the configuration when Syncing to Station. If you must require this to happen then there should be a way to multiselect positions and push a button to accept the Current configurations of these positions.

    BR/ Jim

  • You may switch off the confirmation of the configuration, when you jump to the target (I assume you mean this confirmation...) under tools / options / robotics / mechanisms.

