IRC5 : maximum number of retries

If I have reached the maximum number of retries in an error handler, the system is stopped.
Can it then simply be restarted by the start button on the Flexpendant?


  • Yes, after an error reset, if you push the start button it will start over with the retries, you could also change the allowed number of retries.
  • Micky
    Micky ✭✭✭


    there is a new instruction "ResetRetryCount" inside RAPID which can be used to reset the retry counter, so that you can use a more intellegant error handler.

    Please refer to the RAPID reference Manual.



  • I'm going to guess your running robot-ware 9? or any version under 11? i recently had the issue you stated, and i corrected that annoyance by updating from 5.09 to 5.15. 
  • Dedex
    edited March 2021
    enmi1980 said:
    Yes, after an error reset, if you push the start button it will start over with the retries, you could also change the allowed number of retries.

    How we can do this?Change the allowed number of retries.

  • You can also have a look at NoOfRetry in Configuration - Controller - General Rapid - NoOfRetry. Read up on it in Manual