RobotStudio event

Programming positions into a new created module

Hey everybody,

I'm having trouble programming paths into a new created module... Here's how I'm trying to do it:

I create a new module with rightclick on T_ROB1 in the "RAPID" tab.

Afterwards I switch to the "HOME" Tab and create a new workobject, which I assign to the new module.

But when programming positions, which I therefore assign to this new workobject, the positions are still created within the standard module "module1"

Once created in the "wrong" module, I also don't know how to reassign them to my new module, without messing everything up.

Is there a way to create these positions and paths in the new module right away in RobotStudio? Because it works quite well when programming with the flexpendant?

Thanks a lot for answers!


  • when you sync to the controller you can choose the module where the targets/paths and other data should be written to. Maybe you will have to expand the window to the right to see this.
    Just select the module you want and the points should be saved in the correct module.

    For allready syncd targets you can move the decleration of the targets from the top of module 1 to the top of the required module.

    a target declaration looks like this:

    pers robtarget target1:=[[0,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0]];
    The Netherlands