RobotStudio event

ABB robot with LeapMotion

In the following link is available LeApBBMotion. 
This pack is composed by and exe file that will install in your computer LeApBBAddin, additional documentation, and a Pack and Go.
Everything will be saved in "C:\Program Files (x86)\ABB Industrial IT\Robotics IT\RobotStudio 5.15\Bin\Addins\LeapMotionAddin" folder

This is not an offcial product for ABB and its not supported by ABB.

Software from must be installed


  • Video showing how it works!
  • Just saw this, and was wondering, is there any setup on the robot?  Or is it just connect a laptop with this software, and a Leap to the laptop?
  • Oh PaleFlyer, I did not see this till now. This is an old code. I do not know if still works,as far as I know LeapMotion has evolved a lot his software. But yes the approach is having Leap connected to the Computer. Robot has PC Interface option so with PCSDK we are able to change RAPID values.