RobotStudio event

Motion recovery after Interrupt problem

Hello to all, I'm trying to stop robot motion in the case robot loses it's piece from gripper during motion, moves one step back, and starts from the beginning of program. I'm able to stop motion and move back using trap routine (path store-restore), but after robot exits trap routine goes back inside motion routine where error occurred, and stops. It doesn't want to move any more, PP is frozen at move instruction. Why is this happening, and is it possible to exit trap routine not to position where error occurred but to let's say to Main routine. Thanks in advance.


  • using the command "Exit Cycle" will put the program pointer back to the top of the Main. also I believe you will need to use the "Start Move" command to re initialize the robot movement, but I could be mistaken.   
  • Thanks Dan for info, I did try to use StarMove at the end of trap, but still PP is stuck when it goes back to motion routine. Also robotstudio simulation just stops byitself, if I click simulation run, robot will continue motion. Pretty weird.
  • I believe you need to have a program start input to re trigger the program. If your using a plc to control the robot you can add a toggling bit in the rung of logic ( if your using ladder) to re trigger the program start system input