MultiMove/CreatePaths option

Hi all,

I am new to RS 5.07.01. When I check the MultiMove option, the Create Paths tab is greyed out. I did configure the system to include "multimove coordinated" option. Can someone point me to the right direction?

Also, I cannot seem to find the MultiMove Application Manual on ABB's website. Does anyone know where I can download it?

Thanks a lot!



  • The documentnumber for the Application manual is 3HAC021272-001 so you can search for that.

    When it comes to MultiMove programming in RS it's a little bit hard to just explain it in just some word. But I will give you some hints
    - There need to be at least 2 robots, one that has a workobject(the tool robot) that is moved by another (workpice robot).
    - And in the tool robots workobject you have the target that the tool robot should move along.
    - The tool robot should have at least one path (with the targets).

    In MultiMove you then hit play so that the movement for the workpiece robot is calculated, and if everything is ok the Create Path will be enabled.

    Hope this will help you to get going

    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Thanks for the hints. I think the manual should get me started, speaking of which, I cannot find that manual on ABB's search site. Do you just go to directly to search for documentations or is there another search page just for documentations?

    Thanks again.

  • Hi
    If you navigate like this
    - click downloads link to the right
    - search for the document number
    - click on Controllers
    - Click on Controller Software IRC5

    You should now be able to see the document

    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products