Problem with drag and drop in 5.07.01


I dont seem to be able to drag and drop certain parts to the robot wrist any more since installing 5.07.01, this has worked fine in all previous versions. I have imported different parts and found similar problems.

 Also the object browser does not refresh when saving parts to library, I.E. padlock does not show for a while.

Any ideas would be appreciated !!!

Is it because the parts have been to and from RS3.2, I note that they appear to be affected in 3.2. Only the part can be moved  and edited. The entities, when deleted, still are visible... Strange?. You can drag and drop the entities to a new part but if the empty old part is deleted then the new part dissapears. I think the models are getting corrupted somewhere.

sturner2006-8-3 10:49:23


  • Hi,

    I have tested to attach parts to the robot in RS 5.07.01 and it works for me (even with parts imported from RS 3.2). So it seems that your parts have become corrupted.

    You are right that the object browser not refresh correctly when saving to library. I will report this problem.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Sturner,

    It sounds a lot like the problems that I have been having with my machine with AMD Dual core processor.  Are you also having problems with the VC?  I have since deployed the software on another machine and it now works without problems.


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  • Dual core processor are not supported in RobotStudio 5x.

    We are working on a solution for this, but today I can't say in what release it will be supported.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics