RobotStudio event

Manual robot jog from HMI

Hello to all, do you have some ideas how to implement robot jogging using HMI or buttons on control panel, let's say robot is stopped and motors are running. On my mind comes idea to jump to some interrupt in semistatic task if button is pressed and to go to motion routine where I would use x,y,z variable typed on HMI, do you have some other, more elegant ideas how to implement this. Point is not to train operators to use flex pendant, to make them simple option for jogging from control panel while robot is in auto mode. Thanks in advance.


  • I have done exactly what you are thinking once when I was first starting out, and I did it exactly how you described it. You input XYZ and Euler angles into fields on the HMI, which in turn were connected to the OPC server and they modified various RAPID registers. The operator hit a "Go" button and that was the signal for a little code to compile the XYZ reals into a POS, then the WPR angles into a OrientZYX function to get he orient, then compile the POS and Orient into a POSE, then execute a single-lone moveL command, then wait for the next "Go" signal or another signal that told the robot manual HMI movement was completed and return to Main. Its been a while since I wrote it (6 years at least), I'll have to go back and look at the exact order of the syntax, if I remember there was something slightly tricky about getting that POSE information into a robtarget to execute. 

    Aside from some limit checking frustrations and a little error handling and messaging for the HMI, it worked great. Let me know if you want me to dig up the code. 

  • If you only want to jog in one axis at a time, just put in a loop that as long as the PB is enabled do a move offset some small amount in that direction. Might be a little jerky depending on how you do it, but the code is very simple.