RobotStudio event

50204 - motion supervision

I read a few of the posts on this subject already but none of the answers seem to apply to the problem I am having currently. 

this is the issue:

Every time i try to job the robot in any axis mode it moves approx. one inch, brakes click, the robot moves to previous location, and i receive the 50204 error message.  I'm not sure how this issue came to be, it was working fine one day, and the next day one of the operators came up to me and informed me of this problem. 

The robot is an IRB 1600 1.45. (with a TIG Torch) 

Running on an IRC 5. 

flex pendant is running robotware 5.11

Thank you


  • I had a similar problem with our ABB irb2400L and s4cplus controller (an old controller!), but I got the supervision error when the robot was moving relatively fast (more than 1500 mm/s). I changed the sensitivity of the supervision function in system parameters from 100 (default value) to 150 (which makes it more "tolerant"). I guess there should be something similar in the IRC 5.

    Good luck,
