RobotStudio event

How to disable passed startwindow signal ?

While using advanced queue tracking I removed signal c1PassStw to shut down passed startwindow supervision as <Conveyor Tracking> manual said.But I found it's till be dropped by system while object passed startwindow not connected.Could anyone tell me why and how to really disable this Passed startwindow singal while using advanced queue tracking?Thand you in advance!


  • labu
    labu ✭✭
    The situation you refer to seems to be in relation with the parameter max dist in PROC.CFG. The distance is in mm from the conveyor origin and the wobj is automatically dropped when this distance is reached.


          -name "CNV1" -sensor_type "CAN" -use_sensor "CAN1" -adjustment_speed 250\
          -min_dist -600 -max_dist 20000 -correction_vector_ramp_length 10