RobotStudio event

Conveyor tracking

Good Morning,

I am trying to build a station with two conveyors with robots that will load and offload on Robotstudio 5.06.  I am doing this from stratch and desperately need all the help I can get. 


Unathi Kanda


  • Hi
    Grip and release(event table) isn't supported in 5.06. You need to have 5.07 to do that.
    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Hi,

    I have now finally installed Robotstudio 5.07 and on top of my conveyor tracking confusion, i cannot synchronize to vc. An unknown error is generated when I try.

    I appreciate your help


    Unathi Kanda

  • Hi Unathi,

    Do you have this problem with all your controllers, or only with one specific controller?

    If it's one specific controller you have problem with, perform a cold start of that controller and try again.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi Anders,

    Everything else seems fine. I've created paths and instructions and am trying to simulate the program.  I need to synchronize to the virtual controller in order to setup my simulation but the unkown error is generated everytime I try.

    See error message below

    RobotStudio .NET exception dump
    Base exception:
    SYS_CTRL_E_UNRESOLVED_URL: The URL used to initialize the helper does not resolve to a valid object.
    ERROR: .
    apid.c[4697]: org_code: -30 new_code: 0xc0048416; RobRapidTaskImpl.cpp[246];
       at RobApiWrapper.RobRapidTask.GetExecutionState(UInt32 cId, RobExecutionState& state)
       at ABBInternal.Controller.RapidHelper.IsTaskExecuting(RsTask task)
       at ABBInternal.Controller.RapidHelper.CheckAndLogTaskSyncPrecon ditions(String messagePrefix, RsTask task)
       at ABBInternal.Controller.SyncToVC.ExcludeBadTasks(List`1 tasks)
       at ABBInternal.Controller.SyncToVC.Sync()
       at ABBInternal.Controller.SyncToVC.buttonOK_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

    Thank you for your help.
