RobotStudio event

Wobj0 not at base of robot


I have an issue with a robot studio station with regards to my wobj0. 

I essentially have an IRB6640 on a Flextrack. However when I attach my robot to the flextrack, the wobj0 remains at the world co-ordinate origin and does not move with the base frame of the robot.I have tried adjusting the base frame definition in the system configuration but this does not seem to move the wobj0.

I am wondering why the wobj0 does no remain at the base of the robot? I thought it was always meant to  be at the base?

Thanks for your help,


  • Wobj0 is the world coordinate system.  In robot studio it will always stay at world 0.
    On a real system, if the config is not correctly modified, wobj0 and robot base will stay aligned.
      If you have a robot on a track, you would not want to program in Wobj0 anyway, since the real system wouldn't be a reflection of the virtual system.
    Your best option is to create a new work object, moved by your track mechanism and aligned with your robot base, if that is the reference you wish to use for your program. 
  • Thanks for your reply, that is a good help. My application is slightly different though. I am trying to set up a stationary workobject in the room to represent a table surface (attached picture)

     I want to be able to program from this table work object and also be able to match this with the robot studio station so that I can simulate it. 

    The problem I am facing is that when I teach the wobjTable on the real controller it appears to save this workobject with respect to the robot base (irrespective of where the track is). When I load this workobject into Robot Studio, it loads with respect to the RS world (wobj0), which is at the base of the track, and thus the simulation does not match up to the real world.

    In the robot configuration I have made sure the robot base frame is co-ordinated by the track. I think you are right and perhaps something is not correct in the config file. 

    If you have any suggestions on the best way to setup the wobjTable so that it can be used in the real controller and in the Robot Studio environment that would be great.

    Thanks a lot,
  • It sounds like your real system config is incorrect.  Can you post your wobj data declaration and your MOC?  Without those it is difficult to say what is wrong exactly.  You could cheat in RS, by attaching your obTable to the base of your robot, but you would have to position it exactly the same way you teach it on the real robot.  Not really the right way to do it, but it could work.
  • Thanks for your help. I have attached a pack and go of the system. It seems to be working properly in the real world now, but when I try to open the system in robot studio the track and the robot are rotated and in a strange position. Any ideas?

  • I'm trying to do this exact thing and having (maybe) the same problem. The robot keeps wanting to go about 3 feet lower than it is supposed to.
  • I have the same issue. mostly with mechanism I have created myself!

    I belive that it might have something to do with the Taks Frame?
  • Yes it did. Once I adjusted the task frame to the base of the robot everything was good.
  • @NEZZRETH Will you please describe the process that you followed to align the task frame?