RobotStudio event

I can't create a System from Layout in RS 5.60

Hello Everyone!

When i try to create it appear a message saying that the mechanism model is unknown and the library model must be manually mapped. What i get to do to solve this problem?

Could someone help me if knows?

I thank yall since now. 


  • Hi rurouniken,

    You need to at least tell us which libraries you are using in the layout which fails. Preferably with a screenshot of the Layout browser. Without that info it would be very difficult to answer you with any certainty.


    But the generic answer is that there is a generation shift between RobotWare 5.15.x and RobotWare 5.6x and the two generations don't necessarily overlap. So dependent on which library you use you might also need a RobotWare from the 5.15.x generation installed.
    The second generic answer would be to upgrade to 5.61.


  • I encoutered the same problem, I can't created the system with track.