create custom mechanical unit??

Dear RobotStudio users,

I am new to Robotstudio.

How to create custom mechanical unit?

Thank you!



  • Sun,

    You need the Plus+Pac which contains the Kinematic Modeller. It is not a standard feature of RS.

    When you have this you can create linear & rotary mechanisms of type 'Robot', 'Tool', 'External Axis' and 'Device'.


  • ED,

    Thank you!

    Where can i find some examples?image


  • I do not have any examples of mechanisms that I can show you as most of the work I do is restricted for distribution by the customer.

    If you need some help, you can do this:-

    In RobotStudio, click on Help -> Help

    Click on Contents

    Click on How to Work With RobotStudio API/Add-in Functionality

    Look at the section titled Kinematic Modeller (Add-in) - as I said before, you need the Plus+ Pac add-in for this function. I'm not sure if this help section is available if you do not have it installed.

    I have found it very easy to make custom mechanisms, and for some of the other functions (Path Configurator, AVI Capture, Hose, etc...) it is well worth having the Plus+ Pac.

    If you get the add-in installed on your PC and still need some assistance drop me another mail...


  • ED,

    Thank you! Your reply is very helpful.

    Now i have new question.How can i change a custom unit into a external axis?image


  • To make the custom unit work as a robot external axis you will need to make a configuration file for it using ConfigEdit.

    To be able to do this you will need to know the details of the motor unit to be used on your custom axis.



  • Ed,

    Thank you for your help!image


  • Hi!

    I'm interested in the subject of making a geometry of my own work as a external axis. How should I use the kinematic modeller to do so?


    Victor - En essayant!!