Problem loading programs into VC


Is anyone having problems loading programs into virtual controllers using the FlexPendant.

If I create a new program and save it, it wont load back. I also note that saving a program called NewProgramName, creates a folder called 'Ne'. I.E it shortens the name.

Re-naming the program file or folder does not work.

Cold booting the controller has no effect. I am currently working on the RS Training material Ex4.4 which uses a controller loaded with the course material.

It is possible to load programs created by other controllers, but when you save the program... yes you gessed it, it wont load back !

Any suggestions why this happens would be appreciated.

many thanks



  • Hi,

    Which version of RobotStudio and RobotWare are you using? I have tried to reproduce your problems using RS 5.07.01 and RW 5.07.1023 but it works fine for me. 

    Best Regards

    Anders Jahnberg 
    ABB Automation Technologies 

    Best regards,
    Anders Jahnberg
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi

    I am using RS5.07.01 build 1834.1023. and RSO version 5.07.1023.


  • Hi,

    Using a system created with RobotWare 5.07.1023 does not lead to the problems you describe, so that seems strange. Do you always get the same problems. Try to reproduce the problems with one of the default systems. I cold started the IRB140 default system, started the flexpendant, created a simple program 'NewProgramName' and saved it without any problems (with correct file name) from the VFP. I also tried loading programs and resaving them as you described. 

    Can you reproduce the problems this way?

    Best Regards

    Anders Jahnberg 
    ABB Automation Technologies 

    Best regards,
    Anders Jahnberg
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi

    I have tried using the default virtual controller (IRB4400_45_M2000AT_ROB1) and get same problem if I use a program name of more than 4 characters.

  • Hi

    It appears that the path causes the problem...

    I have noted that when the same NewProgramName.pgf is saved to the C drive it will open ok, but when saved in the virtual contollers path I.E. C:Program FilesABB Industrial ITRobotics ITRobotStudioABB LibraryDefault SystemsIRB4400_45_M2000A. this causes the problem.

    Is it the path lenght, and should all controllers be moved?

    Many thanks

    Simon Turner

  • Hi,

    Ok, yes it seems like the paht lenght becomes to long. I recommend that you dont save your program in the system folder. If you use the flexpendant and create a program (or load) into the VC, then it will automatically be saved in this folder (until you coldstart or manually delete the program). You can see this in the INTERNALRAPID folder in the virtual controller path. So, when you save a copy of your program, make sure to use another folder.  

    Best Regards

    Anders Jahnberg 
    ABB Automation Technologies 

    Best regards,
    Anders Jahnberg
    ABB Robotics