RobotStudio event

Incremential jog

Hi !

I need to job the robot to make most of time only one or two step of 0.5mm or 0.25mm. I'm using waterjet cutting and most of time I did'nt have part for visual support so it is
very difficult to make sur that I had just move from 1 step.

There is any option to make the robot move only one step at once whatever how you move the joystick ? or any step counter or something that can help me ?

My robot is an 4600 with all lastest software.   Thanks !


  • Hi,

    I don't know about any option to do that with the joystick (I'm still a newbie in using ABB robots). But I think that you could try to make a procedure with one loop, which shifts the position of the end-effector in one axis. That means the end-effector will maintain its orientation. (I did it in RobotStudio and visually it looked quite well, but I don't know how it actually would work in practise). The code would look something like this:

    MODULE module_name

    VAR p1 ... !definitione of the point

    PROC procedure_name

    FOR i FROM 1 TO 2 DO !repeat

    p1.trans.x:=p1.trans.x+0.5; !point shift in positive x direction by 0.5

    MOVEL p1 ... !move to the shifted point

    !if need be input other instructions :D




    You could execute it by one shift at a time using the step button on the FlexPendant or just execute it normally only changing the value of maximal i variable to adjust how many shifts of the points you want to make.

    I'll also add part of the code of what I made with the welding robot, because it may look somewhat similar to the waterjet instructions.

    !shift the points from the edge of the workpiece

    p93.trans.z:=p93.trans.z+80; !approach point
    p94.trans.z:=p94.trans.z+80; !weld starting point
    p95.trans.z:=p94.trans.z+20; !weld end point (20 mm from the starting point)
    p96.trans.z:=p95.trans.z-20; !departure point

    FOR i FROM 1 TO 3 DO

    !do the weld
    MoveJ p93,v1000,z10,tWeldGun\WObj:=Workobject_1;
    ArcLStart p94,v1000,sm1,wd1,fine,tWeldGun\WObj:=Workobject_1\SeamName:="Part_1_Pth_7_Weld_1";
    ArcLEnd p95,v100,sm1,wd1,fine,tWeldGun\WObj:=Workobject_1;
    MoveL p96,v1000,z10,tWeldGun\WObj:=Workobject_1;

    !shift all the points for another weld
    p93.trans.z:=p93.trans.z+80; !approach point
    p94.trans.z:=p94.trans.z+80; !weld starting point (60 mm from the earlier weld end point ->20 mm of weld+60 mm of space)
    p95.trans.z:=p94.trans.z+20; !weld end point (20 mm from the starting point)
    p96.trans.z:=p95.trans.z-20; !departure point