Error code 50080 position not compatible

Hi I get this code when trying to run my  path with the wc

I have no problems when using " move to target remainder of path"

Whats wrong???

Kent zibrandtsen
Hardi International A/S


  • Hi,

    That code says that you can't reach the target with the given robot configuration. To change the configuration for a target in RS right click on the target in the browser or in the graphical window and select "Solutions..". Now will you see all configurations the robot can use to reach that target.

    The trick is to find a configuration so the robot can move linear from the previous target.

    If you have the Plus Pac, you can also try the addin "Path configurator" that will find the configurations for a path automatically.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics