RobotStudio event

Issue When Exporting COLLADA

First of all, I'm using the COLLADA animation add-in for RobotStudio 5.60 so that I can import my simulation into Blender. I've had the same problem with both the 32 bit and 64 bit version of RobotStudio.

When I import the COLLADA file into Blender, all of my geometry, except the robot and its tools, are brought in as surfaces and not as solids like how they were when imported into RobotStudio. Also, only one surface is actually being animated in Blender like how the object was in RobotStudio. The rest of the surfaces are positioned where the object ends in the RobotStudio animation, and they don't move when the simulation is played in Blender.

I can manually restitch every surface back together and attach them to the one surface that is actually animated in Bledner, but that is very time consuming and it seems impractical to have to do. 

I just want to have all of the geometry export as solids. Is the export to COLLADA supposed to export as surfaces instead of solids? Is there some option I missed when exporting? Any help would be greatly appreciated.