RobotStudio event

Upgrade RobotWare


I'm trying to upgrade RobotWare from 5.15.02 to 5.61 and I have a few questions.

Where can I find the main computer unit type ? DSQC1000, DSQC600....

Does 5.61 work exclusively for DSQC1000 only and not on old units?

I have created a back up and used that to recreate a system file.  When I get to select RobotWare, I chose to use a different RobotWare but only the old version showed up.  I have multiple RobotWares installed on my computer, from 5.15.02 to 5.61.  How do I get the newer version to show up on the pull down menu?  I have also tried to create a system file using an backup, saved, then try to modify it with RobotStudio but still did not see any other versions.  I am using RobotStudio 5.61.




  • Hi,
    5.61 works exclusively on the new main computer types. 
    If you have a robot controller that was delivered with RobotWare 5.15.xx or earlier, you can not upgrade it to 5.61. 
    But you can upgrade it to the latest 5.15 version, which is 5.15.07.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics