RobotStudio event

AWPP crash


I have a problm with AWPP to the point where I have no access to my paths. Tried to transfer them, but it only worked for T_ROB1 and T_POS. From T_ROB2 I cannot export the paths and they are the essential ones. The paths, which I made over this week are still visible in AWPP, but the aren't present in the RAPID section (which is quite strange taking into consideration the fact that they were transferred to VC multiple times, before everything crashed). Is there any way I can still extract the data from AWPP or is it permanently lost?


  • I exported the paths from the Home tab, but they weren't in the last stage I saved them in. Some paths were misplaced  in the co-ordinate system, when I put them in a newly created system. Is there any hope to get the crashed system back up?

    Let me describe the problem more precisely. It started in newly created path. When I added the search instruction, on the path view showed up only two blue squares for PDispOff and PDispSet. Next problem was, that when creating the weld, it only showed up in the graphics window (nothing in the path view). When I wanted to create the air instruction it could not be deleted, even the right click of the mouse button didn't work.
    Moreover, when I wanted to open the tasks paths starting from T_POS1, and then T_ROB2, T_ROB1, only the path for the positioner opened, and the paths for robots were highlited, but didn't show in the path view. When I started opening the paths in reversed order, they did open, but I still couldn't do anything with them. Changing the T_ROB2 path resulted in highliting every path I chose, but still not opening them. I figured that there is a problem with T_ROB2, and no wonder, because at the moment it is the only practically used robot. Is there any way I could restore this system or is it completely done for, so to speak?

  • Have you checked if the data is synchronised to the right module?

    maybe the data for rob2 is transfered to another module because of the crash?

  • It is indeed possible to synchronize the code from AWPP, but it is lacking in some parts. Dunno if I didn't save it, or the crash happened before saving the station. It doesn't seem like the data is transfered to another module. Anyway I already restored the codes (or more like made them anew), but it is still interesting why did the AWPP crash. I suspect the fact that I transfered some of the points from wobj to wobjStn1 in Home tab could affect the communication between AWPP and RS. It is actually the only thing that comes to my mind.