RobotStudio event

Booting Initialization Message


I have installed three abb robots, one IRB 140, one IRB 1600 and one FlexPicker, these robots were about 6 months without operating. Today I tried to use the robots, but in the teachpendant a message appears , "booting initialization", and is stopped at this point.  What can this be?




  • Hello,

    Attached an image about the problem.


  • Have you tried rebooting the teach pendant?  There is a button on the back in a hole you can push with a small tool of some sort.  Most likely a teach pendant issue.  If you can get to the 'connecting to robot controller' screen but nothing from there, check the ethernet connection to the PC in the cabinet.
  • You could try restoring a disk image back onto the CF card and download the latest project.
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