RobotStudio event

When is output of a TPWrite updated in the `Operator Window` ?


I'm using to `TPWrite` to debug my code and write some verbose messages to follow the application flow. Though they time when the messages actually appear on screen in the `Operator Window` is a bit unclear to me. For example, I have two tasks one which accepts a new socket connection. When I connect to this listening socket with my application I log some information using `TPWrite` then I show some info when I receive data on this socket. But only when I close the remote socket or when I press the `Stop` button in the `RAPID`  all messages appear at one (which can be a lot).

Maybe this is the way it works but if there is a way to directly show messages I write using `TPWrite` that would be great!



  • Are you using TPErase first to clear the teach pendant screen?
  • pollux
    edited November 2014
    Hey Neil, 

    No I'm only using `TPWrite`. I'm not sending just a couple of messages though and using the operator windows to inspect the messages (not the virtual flex pendant).

    Should I use `TPErase` ? 


  • Does the Virtual FlexPendant behave in the same way as RobotStudio, or do you get the messages directly?
    Henrik Berlin
  • Hi Henrik,

    Both had the same behavior, but I think it's related to using multiple tasks and `WaitUntil`. When I write -a lot- using TPWrite the messages are coming in; it feels like the output wants to fill it's buffer before actually showing it. But after changing my code structure a bit it seems to work fine.

    So I think it was my code if this is not expected behavior. 
