RobotStudio event

RobotStudio SDK 6.0 Release

khalidkp admin
edited December 2014 in Developer Tools

RobotStudio SDK is available for download from the Robotics Developer Center. With RobotStudio SDK you can develop applications for the RobotStudio platform, ranging from utility Add-Ins or PowerPacs that provides new functionality and customized user interfaces to SmartComponents with Code Behind.

You can also combine RobotStudio SDK with PC SDK to communicate with real or virtual IRC5 controllers.

For download, information and help getting started, visit our Developer Center:

For Release notes Click here

What’s New in 6.00?

This section contains information on the new features of RobotStudio SDK 6.00.

All new types and methods
This section contains information about all the new types in the API, and existing types which has been extended with new methods. Each updated namespace has a separate chapter. For extended types, the name of the type is in bold face, followed by its new methods.

Extended types

class Matrix4
Matrix4(Matrix3, Vector3)
Void CheckRigid()
class Boundingbox
virtual String ToString()


Extended types

class ControllerObjectReference
Boolean IsRouted { Boolean get() }
class ControllerType
Boolean IsRouted { Boolean get() }


New types

class LaunchingOptionsPageEventArgs

Extended types

class ApplicationMenu
event EventHandler
class CommandBarButton
String LicenseFeature { String get(); Void
set(String) }
class CommandBarControl
Boolean Visible { Boolean get(); Void set(Boolean) }
class CommandBarControlCollection
Int32 IndexOf(String)
class RibbonGroup
Image LargeImage { Image get(); Void
set(Image) }

Removed Members

class CommandBarControlCollection
[Obsolete] sealed class
ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio.Environment.CommandBarCollection :
ICollection, IEnumerable, IEnumerable
[Obsolete] Void Compact()

class CommandBarControl
[Obsolete] String Category { String get(); Void
set(String) }
[Obsolete] String DefaultCategory { static String
get(); static Void set(String) }
[Obsolete] String ToolTip { String get(); Void
set(String) }

class CommandBarPopup
[Obsolete] Boolean IsSelectionGroup { Boolean get();
Void set(Boolean) }
[Obsolete] Boolean ShowAsToolStrip { Boolean get();
Void set(Boolean) }

[Obsolete] String[] CommandBarControlDisplayFilter {
static String[] get(); static Void set(String[]) }
[Obsolete] String[] CommandBarControlEnableFilter {
static String[] get(); static Void set(String[]) }
[Obsolete] CommandBar MenuBar { static CommandBar
get() }
[Obsolete] CommandBarCollection ToolBars { static
CommandBarCollection get() }

class CommandBar
[Obsolete] String Caption { String get(); Void
set(String) }
[Obsolete] Boolean Visible { Boolean get(); Void
set(Boolean) }

class CommandBarPoupControl
[Obsolete] class
: CommandBarControl



New types

class Solution
class LogMessageActivatedEventArgs
class LogMessageActivatedEventHandler

Extended types

class Project
ReadOnlyCollection OpenProjects {
static ReadOnlyCollection get () }
static event EventHandler ProjectAdded
static event EventHandler ProjectRemoved

class ScreenRecorder
Boolean IncludeMouseCursor { static Boolean get();
static Void set(Boolean) }

class DataRecorderSignalInfo
SignalInterpolationType, String, Object,

class Logger
static Void ActivateMessage(Object, LogMessage)
[Obsolete] static event EventHandler LogMessageActivated
static event LogMessageActivatedEventHandler

class LogMessage
LogMessage(String, String, String, LogMessageSeverity,


New types

class CollisionHighlightLevel
class ControllerSimulationConfiguration
class ControllerSimulationConfigurationCollection
class TaskSimulationConfiguration
class ZoneVisualization
class RsPathCallInstruction
class GraphicConverterSettings
class TaskSimulationConfigurationCollection

Extended types

class CollisionEventArgs
Vector3 Point { Vector3 get() }

class Texture
String FileName { String get(); Void set(String) }

class CollisionSet
CollisionHighlightLevel HighlightLevel {
CollisionHighlightLevel get(); Void
set(CollisionHighlightLevel) }
Boolean IncludeInvisible { Boolean get(); Void
set(Boolean) }
Boolean ShowMarkup { Boolean get(); Void
set(Boolean) }

class GraphicConverter
virtual Void Export(ProjectObject, String,
virtual Void SetCancellationToken(CancellationToken)
virtual Boolean SupportsCancel()

class RsMechanicalUnit
Nullable GetFlange()

class Mechanism
Boolean AttachToFlange(IAttachableChild, Boolean)
Boolean AttachToFlange(IAttachableChild, Boolean,

class RsTask
Mechanism MechanismMovingTaskFrame { Mechanism get();
Void set(Mechanism) }
[Obsolete] Boolean Simulate { Boolean get(); Void
set(Boolean) }

class RsWorkObject
Boolean IsConveyorWorkObject { Boolean get(); Void
set(Boolean) }

class SyncLogMessageId
static SyncLogMessageId ModuleCannotOpen = 2050

class SimulationConfiguration
ControllerConfigurations {
ControllerSimulationConfigurationCollection get() }

class RsIrc5Controller
[Obsolete] Int32 RunMode { Int32 get(); Void set(Int32)
[Obsolete] Boolean SuppressSimulationActions { Boolean
get(); Void set(Boolean) }

class RsPathProcedure
[Obsolete] Boolean ShowZones { Boolean get(); Void
set(Boolean) }
ZoneVisualization ZoneVisualization {ZoneVisualization
get(); Void set(ZoneVisualization) }

class GraphicImportSettings
Boolean AsAssembly { Boolean get(); Void set(Boolean) }

class GraphicComponent
Boolean TryGetNormalToSurface(Vector3, out Vector3&,
Vector3&, out Face&)


Extended type

class UndoContext
Void AppendToUndoStep(String, Boolean)


Extetended type

class NumericTextBox
[Obsolete] Int32 NumDecimals { Int32
get(); Void set(Int32) }


Post edited by khalidkp on