RobotStudio event

Separating pieces of a body.


I was wondering if there is any way to remove the pieces of a body in RobotStudio?

I don't mean a body suchs as one composed of multiple small bodies combined to a bigger one, but a CAD-file that is all bodies as one and the same?
So instead of removing the entire machine I can remove only the door?

Is there a way to do that, or do I have to get the bodies "decomposed" before it's possible to take handles and doors and such away?
I've tried making them invisible, but every time I open the cell again they're all visible again and it takes a lot of time to make them invisible again.

I really need a solution of this problem..



  • no not really.

    Buy a workaround could be to invert the surface under graphic appearance->properties. then select the surface as you did when you made them invisible, and then invert the surface.
  • It looked like it worked at first, but the items are still visible from the other side, which doesn't really help me that much since I need them completely gone.

    However, when they have been inverted, they don't appear when re-opening the station. And that's positive at least!

    Thanks for your help anyways, shows us that the Dane isn't all barbaric and our eternal enemy ;) (Just to make clear, you're still not getting Skåne!)
  • pavpav
    edited December 2014
    You can create an object with same size as the door and place it over the door, then u subtract the object you created from the machine with the subtract tool