

I'm working with an IRB1400 with a guiding application witch means that the robot receives the position from an external computer.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

The problem is that axis 6 do a lot of unnecessary rotation to that position. Is it a step forward to read out the current angle and compare it with the angle of the new position and if it's more than 180 degrees, modify the confdata parameter cf6 of the robtarget?




  • Hi

    I had the same problem with a vision-guided robot.
    I solved converting robtarget to jointtargets using CalcJointT, comparing axis 6 angles and doing the computation you mentioned.


  • Greetings,

    You could use the instruction ConfLOff.  Just make sure that at some point you use ConfLOn and a subsequent joint move so that you can put axis 6 back where it belongs (make sure there is plenty of room as this can cause unpredictable motion).  Best wishes,


    Lee Justice