Get Program / Module Name?

I have hundreds of programs written for S4C+ and IRC5 controllers that were all written as .PRG files. the current workflow is operators load programs and run for different parts.

I want to keep track of statistics for parts run, but I need to know what programs the operators are running and I don't want to have to edit every program to output individual program names (I will still have to put similar code in each program however to log the stats, but I want that code to be the same across the board)

What I'm looking for is a command like GetTaskName to capture the currently active robot program / module   - thanks!


  • I've found other people on the forum posting similar questions, this seems to be something lacking? 
  • I'm looking for the same exact fonction.
  • No, I called ABB support and they too could not think of any way to do this.  I settled with passing the name as a parameter to my routine, so at least I copy the same routine and just change the one passed string.  Obnoxious, but at least it will get done
  • If you have only one program loaded at a time.
    You can make a string variable in each program file or put it inside the template file.

    For example:
    CONST string nameModule:="ProgramTemplate";

    When reading your rapid code from system modules you can get value of that referenced string.
    Thats how you can get the name of the currently loaded program.

    Bellow I have posted an example how I was Erasing currently loaded program. Load \Dynamic was not an option.

        PROC rModuleErase()
            VAR string l_strModule;

            GetDataVal "nameModule",l_strModule;
            EraseModule l_strModule;