RobotStudio event

Spiral on a surface

Hello all,<div><br></div><div>Im trying to make robotstudio create a spiral path on a surface (like a cilinder or a sphere). Is there an easy way to do this and am i overlooking something or is this something very difficult to do?</div><div><br></div><div>I have tried the machining powerpac but this can only create a number of circles, not a spiral across the surface.</div><div><br></div><div>Kind regards, Gido</div>


  • Hey Gido, <br><br>This should get you off to a good start:        <br><br>        MoveL pcircle, v200, z1, tpen;<br>        ptemp := CPos(\Tool:=tpen, \WObj:=wobj0);<br>        ii :=0;<br>        WHILE Distance(ptemp,pcpoint) <= ndiameter DO<br>        MoveL Offs(pcircle,ii*(nincrement/360) * Sin(ii),ii*(nincrement/360)*Cos(ii),0),v100,z0,tpen;<br>        !SetDO doPL3, 0;<br>        pcpoint:= CPos(\Tool:=tpen, \WObj:=wobj0);<br>        Incr ii;<br>        ENDWHILE
  • Sorry for the crazy formatting, maybe this will be easier to read<br><br>MoveL pcircle, v200, z1, tpen;ptemp := CPos(\Tool:=tpen, \WObj:=wobj0);ii :=0;WHILE Distance(ptemp,pcpoint) <= ndiameter DO        MoveL Offs(pcircle,ii*(nincrement/360) * Sin(ii),ii*(nincrement/360)*Cos(ii),0),v100,z0,tpen; pcpoint:= CPos(\Tool:=tpen, \WObj:=wobj0); Incr ii;   ENDWHILE
  • Johannes Weiman
    edited February 2015
    If you just want something quick and dirty you can draw a spline on the surface and then use AutoPath. Like this:
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    RobotStudio Team, ABB Robotics