RobotStudio event

Start after E-Stop

Hello all,

I'm trying to start my program after an Emergency Stop or a Program Stop took place. Before starting again, I want to check if some Digital Inputs have changed from 0 to 1.

Basically, through the HMI/PLC (the operator) will provide information on what to do at the restart. If the operator has done an E-Stop and want to have the robot to go back to its home position, the PLC command "GOHOME" will happen during the program is stopped. So, I'm not able to trigger it.

Do you have any idea how I can trigger Digital Input when the program is stopped?

Thanks for your help,

Patrick... The Green



  • Hi Patrick,

    I suggest you use a background task (multitasking) that triggs the signals. If you set the background task to type "static" or "semistatic" it will continue to run also at an E-stop or program stop.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi,

    If you want to trigger some action at program restart, you can hook a RAPID event routine to the RESTART event. See the reference manual for system parameters.

    Magnus Larsson
    ABB Robotics development engineer
  • Anders and Magnus, Thanks for your help,

    I appreciate.

