RobotStudio event

Oculus rift DK2 in Robotstudio 6.00.01

Today Santa came and delivered our Oculus DK2. After playing around a bit updating drivers and such we got the demo Scene working in both display modes.
However, when we start up Robotstudio we are unable to locate the "Show in oculus"-button. I'm under the impression that it should be visible in the advanced graphics view, but I just can't find it.
I've tried both the 32 and 64-bit versions.

Any ideas?


  • Hi,

    Try downgrading to the 0.4.2 runtime. RS 6.01 will support the latest runtime.


    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    RobotStudio Team, ABB Robotics
  • Hello.
    It worked like a charm. Thank you. Is there an easier way to control the viewport?
    The possibility to connect a gamepad or control the view with a keyboard would be fantastic.


  • you can control the view point like normal. It's not just a little tricky.

    But It works nicely with a gamepad connecter. I have a normal Xbox one controller connected.
  • It worked nicely indeed. 
    Now it's just a matter of waiting for RS 6.01 to release so we can use the latest Oculus runtime. The difference in jitter between 0.42 and 0.51 is quite noticable.