Why did I sync path to vc failed?


  There is something wrong with my RS.

When I sync the path to the virtual controller,It failed.

The VC is in the auto mode.

Why? Who can answer my question?


This is the log:

Starting sync procedure 2006-09-12 14:57:18
Sync started
<Information> New reference(s) to existing data tTCP1 tooldata added
<Information> Module Pickup1 was not found

//comment: I changed the path name(change pickup to ConvMot),and didn't select sync to Module-Pickup1(its original module,but I changed sync module too),Why did it create Pickup1 and sync to pickup1

<Information> Module Pickup1 created
<Information> New data Home  robtarget created
<Error> New global data Pickup1 robtarget has same name as existing global object in 
<Information> New data Pickup1  robtarget created
Sync aborted
Synchronization of element  CnvMot  failed.
2006-09-12 14:57:18

seekhust2006-9-12 9:6:13


  • Hi,

    That the synchronization fails can depend on different reasons. For example if you have reference or syntax errors in the Virtual Controller, the sync. will fail.

    In your case I recommend that you go to the Program menu and select "Clear Synchronization History" before you sync. If that doesn't help cold start the controller (but then will you lose the program in the VC).

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi,Anders

    I clear synchronization histroy,then it work very well.

    Thank you so much.

  • How do you clear the synchronisation hisory Seekhust?
  • I have same issue, where do i find "Clear Synchronization History" in RS 2019?
  • "Clear synchronization history" does not exist in RS 2019. The answer from 2006 above was for RobotStudio 4.x for S4 systems.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics