RobotStudio event

FlexPendant behaviour on a tablet

we are actually programming a visual interface on a tablet to replace several functions of the FlexPendant.
- we need to visualize all Messagetypes from the FP like Lists, Confirm-Messages, Info Messages, Number-inputs, Text-inputs, TPWrite.
- a generic listto Set/Unset all digital/analog signals. This list should adapt itself to the amount of the existing sifnals and should maybe sorted by Device/Bus/userdefined.
- a User interface for the Cognex library(IntegratedVision) to change some settings of existing Jobs, or also to create new ones. There are several subpoints like, setting the regions grafically, choosing the regiontype, setting the search parameter, etc.
We would appreciate every help on this and every code snippet in C#/WPF(or also window forms) could help.
Thank You

Best regards
