RobotStudio event

Stopwatch "Average Time" API code: RobotStudio add-in

Hi there,

I am working on a RobotStudio add-in as a part of my thesis project. It involves simulating a given path by some other software and calculating the time taken by the robot to follow the path. This calculated time shall be sent back to the other software. I managed to generate the path given by the other software, simulate it and make a stopwatch that calculates the correct time that I need using C# API codes. (Visual Studio)

The thing is I can see the value that I need when launching the functions I created. I now need to save the "Total Time" or "Average Time" of the stopwatch in a variable inside my add-in to be able to send it to some other software.


So basically I constructed a SimulationStopwatch called stopwatch, configured it how I want it to be and I need something like double time = stopwatch.GetTotalTime(); to store this value when the simulation is finished. (I will read this value when a simulation stopped event is triggered)

Does anyone know the API code to call/get this variable ("Total Time" or "Average Time")?
(Other solutions to calculate the time of a path are well appreciated too)

Thank you in advance,



  • Hi there,
    I have the very same problem, but I didn't get as far as you did. Can you explain how to set up a stoppwatch from the api?

    As far as I understand, one can instantiate the class SimulationConfiguration and then add a SimulationStopwatch to the collection. But How do I parametrize the stopwatch trigger?

    Beside the stopwatch I would like to measure other data from the signal analyzer. Can someone provide any help?

    Best regards
  • Hi,
    I take over the project from seuv (Seppe). You can see the SimulationStoppwatch code in the txt.file below. I hope it will help you.

    But I don't find a solution to call/get the variable ("Total Time" or "Average Time") yet.

    Have anybody an idea or example for an API code to get this time?

    Best regards


  • This is the text file with the SimulationStoppwatch code.